Purposeful Pedagogies Showcase 2023
An exhibition of student learning and global competencies in action.
Connection | Identity | Purpose
At the end of 2022, schools were invited to participate in an Action Learning Programme to start in Term 1, 2023 called Purposeful Pedagogies: Global Competencies in Action.
On Friday, August 4, eight Year 7 representatives and the eight Providence, Innovation and Excellence (PIE) extension students presented and exhibited sections of their work at the State Library of Western Australia in Perth City with students from eight other schools. All 107 Year 7s were involved in learning about a chosen ancient civilisation asking the question:
What have the Ancient Civilisations ever done for us?
The Year 8 and Year 9 PIE students have been creating a Living Story Book by digitally sharing the contributions that their chosen migrant has made. Students investigated how these contributions affected their success in living in and adopting a new country. Their inquiry question was:
How do migrants create a sense of belonging through their contributions to Australian society?
Learn more about Secondary Extra-Curricular.