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Building Fund Partners

We want to thank all our sponsors for investing in our Building Fund. We look forward to partnering with you now and in the future.

Gold Level Sponsorship: $5000+
  • Logo, link and short description on the "Building Fund Partners" page on the College Website.
  • Recognised twice a year in the College Newsletter.
  • Logo and short description on screen in College Administration.
  • Four social media recognition posts per year.
  • Business name displayed on Donor Recognition tree as Gold Sponsor.
AL Advisory
Kids Active

AL Advisory

Kids Active

Silver Level Sponsorship: $2500
  • Logo and link on the "Building Fund Partners" page on the College Website.
  • Recognised twice a year in the College Newsletter.
  • Logo on screen in College Administration.
  • Two social media recognition posts per year.
  • Business name displayed on Donor Recognition tree as Silver Sponsor.

Bronze Level Sponsorship: $1000
  • Logo on the "Building Fund Partners" page on the College website.
  • Recognised twice a year in the College Newsletter.
  • Two social media recognition posts per year.
  • Business name displayed on Donor Recognition tree as Bronze Sponsor.